"Linda Meier: An Uncommon Woman" [videorecording] 2001


"Linda Meier: An Uncommon Woman" [videorecording] 2001

Collection includes the video about Linda Meier shown during the Uncommon Woman award event, featuring interviews with President Emeritus Gerhard Casper, Fidela Schneider (Stanford volunteer), John B. Ford (VP for Development), Prof. Ewart A. C. Thomas, and Mona Duggan (officer at Cantor Center for Visual Arts); original tapes of the interviews; and a tape of the award dinner.

8 videotapes (7 VHS; 1 Beta)


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Ford, John B.

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Schneider, Fidela.

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w674958f (person)

Thomas, Ewart A. C.

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6zh10bj (person)

Casper, Gerhard

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6wn3swr (person)

Biographical/Historical Sketch Formerly Dean of the Law School and University Provost at the University of Chicago, Gerhard Casper became the 9th president of Stanford University in 1992. From the guide to the Gerhard Casper lecture at George Mason University [videorecording], 1994, (Department of Special Collections and University Archives) Biographical/Historical Sketch ...

Meier, Linda

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6nx1xk6 (person)

Duggan, Mona

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w65f2zwv (person)